**1.** ___**Duration:**___ During the last 2 weeks, how many hours a day have you been itching?
**2.** ___**Degree:**___ Please rate the intensity of your itching over the past 2 weeks
**3.** ___**Direction:**___ Over the past 2 weeks has your itching gotten better or worse compared to the previous month?
**4.** ___**Disability:**___ Rate the impact of your itching on the following activities over the last 2 weeks
**5.** ___**Distribution**___ Mark whether itching has been present in the following parts of your body over the last 2 weeks. If a body part is not listed, choose the one that is closest anatomically.
© 2009 Fig. 2 (5-D Itch Scale). S. Elman et al. ‘The 5‐D itch scale: a new measure of pruritus.’ British Journal of Dermatology (162) 3 (2010): 587-593
5-D-Itch-Scale - United States/English
Less than 6hrs - All day
1: Less than 6 hrs/day
2: 6-12 hrs/day
3: 12-18 hrs/day
4: 18-23 hrs/day
5: All day
Not present - Unbearable
1: Not present
2: Mild
3: Moderate
4: Severe
5: Unbearable
Completely resolved - Getting worse
1: Completely resolved
2: Much better, but still present
3: Little bit better, but still present
4: Unchanged
5: Getting worse
Never affects sleep - Delays falling asleep
1: Never affects sleep
2: Occasionally delays falling asleep
3: Frequently delays falling asleep
4: Delays falling asleep and occasionally wakes me up at night
5: Delays falling asleep and frequently wakes me up at night
N/A - Always effects this activity
66: N/A
1: Never affects this activity
2: Rarely affects this activity
3: Occasionally affects this activity
4: Frequently affects this activity
5: Always affects this activity
Body Parts
1: Head/Scalp
2: Face
3: Chest
4: Abdomen
5: Back
6: Buttocks
7: Thighs
8: Lower legs
9: Tops of Feet/Toes
10: Soles
11: Palms
12: Tops of Hands/Fingers
13: Forearms
14: Upper Arms
15: Points of Contact w/ Clothing (e.g. waistband, undergarment)
16: Groin