Control over daily life
Personal cleanliness and comfort
Food and drink
Personal safety
Social participation and involvement
Accommodation cleanliness and comfort
1.000: I have as much control over my daily life as I want
0.919: I have adequate control over my daily life
0.541: I have some control over my daily life but not enough
0.000: I have no control over my daily life
0.911: I feel clean and am able to present myself the way I like
0.789: I feel adequately clean and presentable
0.265: I feel less than adequately clean or presentable
0.195: I don’t feel at all clean or presentable
0.879: I get all the food and drink I like when I want
0.775: I get adequate food and drink at OK times
0.294: I don’t always get adequate or timely food and drink
0.184: I don’t always get adequate or timely food and drink, and I think there is a risk to my health
0.880: I feel as safe as I want
0.452: Generally I feel adequately safe, but not as safe as I would like
0.298: I feel less than adequately safe
0.114: I don’t feel at all safe
0.873: I have as much social contact as I want with people I like
0.748: I have adequate social contact with people
0.497: I have some social contact with people, but not enough
0.241: I have little social contact with people and feel socially isolated
0.962: I’m able to spend my time as I want, doing things I value or enjoy
0.927: I’m able do enough of the things I value or enjoy with my time
0.567: I do some of the things I value or enjoy with my time but not enough
0.170: I don’t do anything I value or enjoy with my time
0.863: My home is as clean and comfortable as I want
0.780: My home is adequately clean and comfortable
0.374: My home is less than adequately clean or comfortable
0.288: My home is not at all clean or comfortable
0.847: The way I'm helped and treated makes me think and feel better about myself
0.637: The way I’m helped and treated does not affect the way I think or feel about myself
0.295: The way I’m helped and treated sometimes undermines the way I think and feel about myself
0.263: The way I’m helped and treated completely undermines the way I think and feel about myself